I've got a summer job. What can I use from the library?


 Note that in addition to below, firms might prefer you to use their Westlaw/Lexis/Bloomberg, so clients' history & work product will be on the firm account and not yours:

Westlaw: You can use "solely for purposes directly related to your law school coursework including pro bono and public service programs, minimal law school-paid stipend work, public internships or externships that are part of your graduation requirements, and/or for bar preparation purposes. Any use in connection with your employment outside of the law school is prohibited."


Lexis: No restrictions


Bloomberg: No restrictions.


Everything else: You have access to HeinOnline, ProquEst Congressional etc, through the library: https://law.uark.libguides.com/az.php .

  • Last Updated Apr 30, 2021
  • Views 47
  • Answered By Daniel Bell

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